Telehealth, or Telemedicine, is a relatively new way of providing health care from a distance using interactive electronic and telecommunication devices: phones, tablets, and computers. Since so many people have at least one personal communication device, it has become a convenient way of accessing health care. With the shelter-at-home decrees during the recent COVID-19 pandemic in most states, telehealth has become a way of life for many healthcare providers. Telehealth care makes it possible for healthcare workers to stay safer as well as those with compromised health conditions.
Telepsychiatry is behavioral healthcare through telemedicine. Since many mental health disorders are diagnosed by reported symptoms, telepsychiatry is particularly suited to mental health care. Even before the pandemic, safety measures were put in place, telehealth, and particularly telepsychiatry, was being explored and implemented in order to improve access to good mental healthcare for those in remote locations or those with disorders that make leaving home difficult.
Telepsychiatry also makes mental health care more convenient. It provides more flexibility for busy patients as well as providing faster services in urgent situations. Telepsychiatry offers a wider range of service options since patients do not need to be in the same location as their healthcare provider. Telehealth makes follow-up appointments much easier and has increased follow-up rates.
Telepsychiatry is more than just a phone call from a healthcare provider. It involves a face-to-face encounter, even though the face of the other person is on a screen. A telepsychology appointment can be used for evaluation or diagnosis, medication management, therapy, or patient education.
Satisfaction is high for patients, psychiatrists, and other healthcare providers who have made use of telepsych. The American Psychiatric Association says, “Telepsychiatry is equivalent to in-person care in diagnostic accuracy, treatment effectiveness, quality of care, and patient satisfaction. Patient privacy and confidentiality are equivalent to in-person care.” Telepsychiatry is a good fit for people of any age as well.
Most insurance companies cover telemedicine visits, including telepsychiatry. Focus and Balance offer telepsychiatry services for our patients. Contact us today for a consultation.